Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) can be found in the Flatwoods Natural Community coverage type. Flatwoods communities typically occur in low areas with little topography and may be further classified as wet, mesic, or scrubby. Many of the flatwoods natural communities throughout the District are dominated by saw palmetto. While prescribed fire is the primary tool of choice for managing flatwoods throughout the District, at times it is deemed necessary to implement alternative methods due to high fuel loads or other circumstances.
Palmetto frond harvesting is a viable alternative to aid the District in:
- Reduction of fire fuel loads and maintenance of open habitat for the benefit of native wildlife
- Increasing revenues from resource-based activities on district lands that support land acquisition and management activities
- Supporting the local agricultural economy by maintaining natural resource-based harvests on conservation lands
New properties suitable for palm frond harvesting are competitively bid by the district pursuant to Florida Statute 373.093. An Invitation to Submit Offer (ITO) is advertised by the district on the district’s website for available properties. A Notice of Intent to lease will also be published in a newspaper in the county in which each land is located. Leases will be awarded to the responsive and responsible bidder with the highest offer. Properties already under lease will be reviewed by the district for consideration of opening the property up for bid at the end of the lease unless conditions restrict potential lessees. Current ITOs are identified below and will remain available through award. The table below displays the most recent “Invitations to Submit Offer” based upon “broadcast date” first. Persons/firms obtaining solicitation documents from this site shall be responsible to visit this web page for any changes, delays, or addenda related to the ITO. Each ITO will provide a map as an Exhibit identifying the location of each property.
Broadcast Date | Identifier LRS # | Date Offer Due | Property Name/Description of Potential Lease |
Documents |
Dec. 3, 2020 | LRS 2091 | Terminated | The areas to be leased are portions of the Buck Lake, Seminole Ranch, Lake Jesup and Lake Monroe Conservation Areas that covers approximately 15,553 +/- acres in Brevard, Orange, Seminole and Volusia Counties, Florida. | |
Oct. 5, 2020 | LRS 2073 | Oct. 27, 2020 | Lake George Conservation Area 11,045 acres of the Lake George Conservation Area in Putnam and Volusia Counties |