Data and tools

View and download basemaps, imagery, indexes, land use and other tools from the district, state and federal sources for many mapping needs.
Groundwater data resources include flow simulation models, analytical solutions for groundwater flow problems and the Hydrogeologic Information System.
Hydrologic data search tools, monthly and annual details of rainfall, surface water levels and levels in areas where water is controlled.
Online map-based application to search and display information regarding mitigation banking, only lists mitigation banks permitted by SJRWMD.
Interactive dashboard displaying graphs, maps and statistics from the annual SJRWMD survey of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Lower St. Johns River and Lake George.
The National Weather Service tool for the Southeast River Forecast Center displays real-time flooding information which includes data from district monitoring stations.
Stormwater harvesting benefits water quality, promotes aquifer recharge and is an underutilized source for water supply and water resource development projects.
Online map-based tool to search and display information related to surveying benchmarks throughout the district.
Water quality reports and data search tools for current and historical surface and groundwater monitoring programs.
The Water-CAT website has a searchable database and map of Florida water monitoring efforts where you can learn where monitoring is taking place, by what agency, and for what purpose.