Apshawa Lake South Minimum Levels

Photo of Lake Apshawa from the shore
White clouds over Lake Apshawa

Apshawa Lake South is located in the Central Lakes District of Lake County, Florida, approximately 3 miles north of the city of Clermont. This system is both ecologically and recreationally valuable, containing deep and shallow marsh habitat that serves as habitat for aquatic species, forage for wading bird species and nesting habitat for the sandhill crane. Because of its location within the Central Lakes District, an important recharge area for the Upper Floridan aquifer, Apshawa Lake South also functions as a regional sentinel site providing an important indicator of the effects of groundwater pumping on this and nearby lakes.

Minimum Levels for Lake Apshawa South

In 2024 the district completed a reevaluation of the Apshawa Lake South MFLs, which were originally adopted in 2002, to ensure the continued protection of this lake’s environmental resources, as well as to provide regional protection from groundwater withdrawal.

The draft MFLs for Lake Apshawa South underwent independent scientific peer review. The final report and appendices can be accessed at the links below.

Final Lake Apshawa South MFLs Report

Final Lake Asphawa South MFLs Report Appendices: 

SJRWMD Responses to Peer Reviewer and Stakeholder Comments